Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sick Whine

Whine, Whine, Whine! Is that all their is? It feels like it. It comes from me (Mrs. Whine) my Husband The Head Cheese, and our two adorable children Whiner and Whiny. I am starting this blog because I feel like I need a release. I can't tell all my whines to The Head Cheese because he would get sick of hearing them. I have to listen to Whiner and Whiny all day long so....I could tell my sisters, but I am sure that they have gotten sick of it by now. So here I am blogging....

Today's whine is about being sick while mothering. Whiner keeps asking me when we are going somewhere. I would like to go somewhere, but if I expose my germs to other peoples adorable little angels it would the unkind thing to do. I thought about going to the park, but I don't think that I have the energy.

Nothing like feeling the mommy guilt while sick. You want to do better but TV is so easy. Right now the Jr whiners are watching cars. I am trying to muster up the energy to go clean something, anything. Not to make it seem like I have done nothing today, I have washed a sink of dishes (by hand) cleaned up a little bit of toys and made two beds. Along with the usual diapers and parenting and such.

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